Saturday, March 24

back to work on monday!

Today I went to Enfield Town for coffee.. I hung out in the "metal" section of HMV and then read the saturday papers in 'Starbucks'and contemplating life, as us 'intellectuals' often do.... However, it wasn't long before all the 'yummy mummys' of Enfield descended upon 'Starbucks.'
Apart from looking for work today, I have been doing some bookbinding preparation. At the moment I feel like I'm in limbo with my bookbinding, next month I am definitely going to join 'the society of bookbinders,' but I think I need to learn how to do things 'properly' and take some lessons. I might ask for this as a birthday present from my parents!? For the time being I'll have to try and figure out my bookbinding problems and untimely case of artists block for myself. I think I need to take some time out this week to figure out some life plans and next steps. Hopefully to stop myself from getting too stressed out, which ultimately results in artists/drawing block. I'm back at work on monday, I'm also going to try and make it to my friend, Sarah's private view, at the Waterloo Gallery, after work.


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