Saturday, August 25


....for the last few days I've been working on a couple of illustrations. I've decided that for once, I'm not going to post up the work in progress pictures, as I'm becoming superstitious in my old age...and I so want these illustrations to be break through images.

As my work is incredibly emotionally driven, I've spent a great deal of time thinking about where artists draw their inspiration from, whilst I've been drawing. It intrigues me intensely! For me, nature, feelings and music are my main sources of inspiration...I get incredibly passionate about ideas that touch my heart. To the point where I wake up and the first thing I think about, is that image, and it's the last thing I think about at night. It can sometimes feel like a passionate love affair. This is when I know that it's right! I've been trying to track my creativity in relation to lifes up's and down's, in order to understand the process, and it's been really interesting..I will carry on thinking and enlighten you to any other interesting discoveries...

...anyway back to those illustrations!


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