Monday, August 20

going back to my roots... year since my last costume design, and I've gone back to my one true love! Here is a picture of some work in progress drawings.

This morning I got 'The Society of Bookbinders' directory in the post and was very excited to see my name in lights!?

Naughty me bought a pair of Italian Shoes today...I should have resisted, but I blame the fact that I miss Italy so much...I feel like I'm heartbroken. The shoes will no doubt offer me some comfort in these long, cold, lonely nights.

More Excitement.....Apart from going to see 'The Rolling Stones' and staying a couple of nights in a plush central london hotel (thanks, Aunty Anne!). I've decided to learn Italian (the language of love!?) properly, once and for all! At 25, I don't think I can get away with refusing to speak my native tongue, in my homeland, anymore. Especially if I'm planning to live out there. Wish me luck!


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